Every 11 minutes a person dies from an opioid overdose.
What is #talktome?
#talktome is an invitation to take the first step to a mutual understanding and a mutual healing through the power of conversation. If you just #talktome you’ll understand that I’m not an “addict,” I’m just like you. If you #talktome you’ll see that I can help more than you think I can. If you #talktome we can create a dialogue that can transform the way we approach addiction. #talktome and we’ll change more than we ever imagined.
Share your support or stories:
Signs that someone needs help:
- Mood changes
- Quick prescription refills
- Regular use of opiods
- Poor decision making
- Erratic sleep patterns
- Excessive doctor visits
How to talk to someone about opioid use disorder
- Listen as much as you talk
- Thank them for the conversation
- Offer empath and compassion
- Set clear goals
- Put yourself in their shoes
- Watch your voice
Get involved.
Getting involved is as easy as starting a conversation with your loved ones about the opioid crisis. By opening yourself up and creating a discussion, you become a beacon of support and help build the bridges we need to beat the epidemic. Talking seems simple, but it can make a world of difference. Check out #TalkToMe pages for additional resources and don’t forget to share your stories or offer your support using the hashtag #TalkToMe.